Payment Links

Get paid instantly with Payment Links

Facilitate the simplest integration, seamless online onboarding, a feature-rich checkout, and top-notch performance. Go live swiftly with Viyonapay to witness the future of payments.

Swift Links

Generate instant, secure links for seamless transactions.


Custom Securely

Tailor links for your needs with top-notch security.


Easy Collection

Simplify payments through shareable links in any communication.

Support Local business

3 Simple Steps To Accept Payment Via Payment Links.

Now create and track Payment Links on the all new Viyonapay Mobile App.

Create unlimited links for free from anywhere, anytime. 

Accept payments instantly using Viyonapay Payment Links!.

Accepting payments is now easier than ever with Payment Links. Just share payment links to your customer through WhatsApp, SMS, email, chat or any medium and get paid instantly! 

Payment Links for Your Business Use Case

Integrate Viyonapay Payment Links seamlessly into your system, providing the optimal experience for your business model.
No matter how unique your use case, we’ve got you covered. Sign up to begin.

Businesses Without Website

If you don't have an app or website for selling, now enable your customers to pay online with Payment Links.

Alternative Payment Option

Payment Links serve as a convenient alternative to cash-on-delivery and point-of-sale payment methods in your business.

Chatbot Integration

Integrate Payment Links with Chatbots to provide users with a seamless buying experience on your platform.

Social Media Sharing

Effortlessly share the payment link on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc., offering your customers a swift checkout option.

No registered business? We've got you covered!

Whether you're a freelancer, teacher, boutique owner, homemaker, or a professional, Viyonapay makes it simple for everyone to accept payments.


Frequently Ask Questions.

Viyonapay Payment Links provide a simple method for receiving payments
for goods and services. Enter the customer's name and the amount owed,
then send the generated link to the person making the payment.

Viyonapay Payment Links offer a swift method to receive funds directly into your bank account from customers. When the link is clicked, customers can select their preferred payment mode and complete the transaction. Once the payment is finalized, the amount will be credited to your bank account.

Certainly, you can conveniently send Payment Links in bulk using the
Batch Uploads feature. Just upload a CSV file containing the customer
list, requested amounts, and their contact details to send requests in

You have the option to share a Razorpay Payment Link with your customer through email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

Generate and share Viyonapay Payment Links effortlessly in three simple steps on the Viyonapay Dashboard:

  • Navigate to the Payment Links tab on your Viyonapay Dashboard.
  • Click on the "Create Payment Link" button.
  • Input customer details and the requested amount.
  • Send it.

This approach offers distinct advantages. You avoid the need to rent a card processing machine or maintain a website. Customers aren't required to have a specific account; they can simply use their preferred payment option through the provided payment link. 

Need more help?

Our dedicated support team is here to assist you every step of the way. Reach out for personalized assistance and expert guidance.



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Do more using the Viyonapay Payment Links.

Join now to explore the future of payments and provide your customers with the finest checkout experience.